Sunday, September 25, 2011

Russia: Week Three

What a whirlwind of adventure has taken place since I last wrote!!

I spent a week in Krasnodar which is in Southern Russia close to the Black Sea. While there I was able to observe ministry to university students, including a weekly Bible study and English movie night (reaches out to non-believers who want to learn English). I also got to meet many student leaders of ministry (Russians and Americans) and hear the heartbeat of the needs of Russian and international students.

Krasnodar itself if a beautiful city . . . one park reminded me of Central Park in NYC! The traffic is pretty terrible, but I'm quickly learning that is just "life as usual" in Russia. :) Much warmer in Krasnodar than in the rest of Russia. The day I left, the high was 85 degrees Fahrenheit . . . I was on my way to Ulan Ude (in Siberia) where it had snowed the day before. :) It's a big country with lots of climate variation!!

Ulan Ude was such a great ministry week. It is 5 hrs ahead of Krasnodar (14 hrs ahead of CST). On Friday the 16th I flew from Krasnodar to Moscow, then took on overnight 6.5 hr flight from Moscow to Ulan Ude, Russia. I slept a bit on the plane. Kara picked me up at the airport, we went back to her apartment where I slept for about an hour. Then we got on the road and headed out to a village where there is a small church.

The pastor's wife, Lena, was wanting to start women's ministry and we were helping to do a women's conference to kick it off. I spoke on Saturday night on hope. I just really felt like the Lord had laid the message on my heart . . . and my goodness, had He ever!! The Holy Spirit was so obviously in that little church and He ministered so powerfully to the hearts of those present.

Tea time at the ladies' meetings!!

The next day Kara spoke in the morning service and then I did about 3 hours of women's health education in the afternoon. Such an amazing time!! *breaks into singing "My Favorite Things"* There is tremendous potential for community health teaching and evangelistic work in these communities.

Ladies at the health education meeting

Monday morning we drove with the pastor out to another little village where there are a handful of believers and they meet in a home group setting. They are the only Christians in their town and it was such a blessing to pray and have communion with them and to encourage them.

Small village with only a few believers in Christ.
Whole area is buddhist/shamanistic.

Monday evening we had a ladies' "spa night" in the larger village. It was so fun to just have girl time and be a blessing to these women who have such hard, hard lives.

Wednesday, Kara took me out to Lake Baikal -- it's the world's largest lake by volume and is not too far from Ulan Ude. It contains 20% of the world's fresh water. With all the leaves changing color for fall, it was pretty incredible!!

Thursday evening, I had the privilege of speaking on the subject of Biblical sexuality to the youth group at one of the churches in Ulan Ude.

Friday night, we traveled to another village about an hour away from Ulan Ude and I spoke at a church to a group of young adults and adults about Biblical sexuality.

Then, it was time to fly again . . . back to Moscow where I am presently. I am speaking two more times this week and then I'm headed back to home sweet home. :)

Thank you for your prayers. God has given me such an attentiveness to culture . . . much more than I usually feel. That was one of my prayer requests and He has answered you so well! Also, the times of ministry have been so powerful and people have been so blessed. Thank you for praying for those things. This trip has been very challenging in a lot of way . . . primarily spiritually and culturally challenging for me and I have needed the prayers that have been prayed. The Lord has been so faithful!!


Bev Loven said...

What a wonderful time of ministry had have had. May the Lord lead you in the last days you are there. How refreshing for you to be able to minister to the women and young people

A. Victoria said...

God is amazing! I am so glad that things are going well and that you are seeing the Holy Spirit move. Thanks for the update!

lonnie said...

Love it that I can go with you to minister in Russia through you blog! I love your tales!

Glad2bHis said...

Wow Jessica! I'm glad you posted about Russia! What an amazing trip!

It'll be so nice to have you back in our corner of the world. <3