Monday, May 3, 2010

Like a Child

Yesterday, I had the super fun privilege of sharing in children's church about medical missions and about Ethiopia. There were about 75 kids there and they were so attentive and excited about missions!

I shared about what I do as a nurse/missionary associate and about why medical missionaries are important. I also shared about Ethiopian culture and some of my experiences. The best part of the morning was when I told the story about the man who could not walk, but the Lord healed at the clinic in Mekele. You could have heard a pin drop. When I finished the story, there was a quiet pause and then this little girl in the front row started to clap for Jesus. I could've melted. The whole room broke into applause about what God had done for the man and his family. The child-like faith and excitement for what Jesus did was like a breath of fresh air. Where a room full of adults would be cynical and try to logically figure something out, an 8-year-old just put her hands together out of sheer delight at what God had done.

" 'Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.' And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them." Mark 10:15-16

After I finished, the children's pastors did a Q & A time where the kids could ask me questions. It was so funny. Here are my two favorite questions (complete with answers for your enjoyment):

Q: How old are you?
A: 26.
(Then another girl pipes up, "You're young.") lol.

Q (from a 9 - 10 year old boy): When you go to Ecuador, will you bring me a monkey?
A: Nope. All the monkeys I bring home I intend to keep for myself.