Sunday, March 21, 2010


Last week (March 8-12), I attended pre-field orientation at the Assemblies of God headquarters in Springfield, Missouri. It was a week filled with education about travel, budgets, and the missional life. I had the privilege of meeting a ton of really great people who are also going to be MAs. No one has an assignment quite like mine, but it was still neat to connect with people who have such a passion for missions. The last night of the conference we had a special service where all the MAs were commissioned by leadership of the Assemblies of God World Missions.

Today was a "missions emphasis" at my home church. Our pastor had me come to the front of the church and he gave me a charge and a commissioning of blessing from our local church body. Then he asked retired and current missionaries in our church body to gather around me and join him in prayer. I was surrounded by great men and women of faith who have given their lives to the spreading of the gospel around the world. Many of these couples have known me since I was a child and have been very influential in my love for foreign missions. What a blessing to have them bring my life and my future before the throne of God!

"Who is a Missionary? It is a person who's heart breaks at the thought of one soul perishing without the Lord and that love compels them to tell the world that Jesus loves them." - Elaine Bennett -