Friday, July 9, 2010

This Birdie Ain't in the Sky

Until a few weeks ago, I thought a birdie was something that flew around in the sky, landed on tree branches, and sang too early in the morning. Now I know that a birdie is . . . well, I've forgotten what it is now, but it's a golfing term and it's a good thing to get one. :)

At the beginning of June, I had the privilege of working at the annual HealthCare Ministries golf tournament. Christy, the logistics coordinator at the HCM office, and myself were assigned to hole 2 to sell mulligans. And yes, up to this point, I thought a "mulligan" was the surname of a person from Ireland. Who knew?

We had a fantastic turnout with about 20 teams of 4 players, so it was a fun and profitable day . . . and very hot! Besides getting a better tan and pretending I knew about golf, my favorite part of the day was watching people who just looked like your typical golfer . . . but knowing that they were playing because they had a heart for the lost and dying around the world! What an encouragement to use the talents in my hand as a way to advance His Kingdom!! :)