Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I can hardly believe it’s only nine days until I leave for Ecuador!

I will be traveling August 20 – 29th with a medical team to work with an Assembly of God missionary couple. Our team consists of a physician, a physician assistant, two dentists, and two nurses. In the country, we will meet up with a national optometrist, the missionaries, and our translators. From Quito, our team will travel in country by plane to a town where we will board a bus that will take us 2 hours farther east. Then we board a boat, which will take us another 2 hours down the river. We will be doing clinic in this region for a couple of days, as well as traveling another 4 hours down the river and doing medical clinic in the jungle for a few days. As you can imagine, we are going to be hot, tired, and plain ‘ol wore out by the time we’re done! Speaking of heat, I have an idea! From now until the day I get back, every time you want to mention how hot it is outside, would you consider using that as your cue to praying for the team, the medical outreach, and me?

There are a few specific things you can pray for:
1.) There is an enormous amount of work involved with the set-up and tear down of clinic. We will be moving locations at least twice during this outreach. And it’s gonna be hot on top of it all! Please pray for physical strength and endurance for the team members.
2.) Opportunities to share the best medicine of all . . . the message of salvation through Christ. Ask that each of us will be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and will be obedient to speak His truth.
3.) Healings. During the days of the early church, the truth of the Gospel was often validated by miraculous healings. God still does that today! Pray with me that God will perform specific healings as a means to confirm His message of salvation to those who come to the medical clinics.
4.) The growth of the local church and the success of the missionary couple. Medical teams are a way to augment the ministry of the national church and the missionaries who are already in the country. Please pray for them.

Thank you for being willing to really, truly pray. You and I get to be partners with God in bringing the hope of Jesus to the hurting of the world . . . and that is pretty awesome!!

For the Kingdom of God and the people of Ecuador,